Thursday, January 20, 2005

Placement & Jazz


Probably one of the fewere times when I am not enthusiastic about writing. Rather thinking deep and across about issues playing ont he mind.

Right now, my life seems to be beginning and ending with placement. Hmm. . not just my own, but for an entire bunch of people. The one reason that keeps burning in my gut and keeps me motivated to do this is that I have always believed in action, especially for the things I have always raised flag about.

The idea is very simple, if not you, then who!! I do think the society is made up of individuals. And the individual certainly is more important than the society. Isnt that amply demonstrated in all our selfish interests of life. So why make a difference when it comes to takeing action. When there is a need to do something, the group and the society take the front seat.

Anyways, i think the bigger frustration right now is the difficulty one faces in gettings systems to move. It is just not enough to move at a dynamic pace yourself, you will always be as slow as the slowest. And then you hit the boulder of people participation. Without getting a buy-in and the firm resolution of each individual, there is never the progress you think can be achieved actually by such an efficient set of folks.

And then people try to pull initiatives in different directions, thinking they can also take the lead.Which is right in someway, but just that when there is a stated direction - it just doesnt help the cause to divert into picnics of smaller objectives.

Wonder when I can come up with a working mechanism to organize and manage such a mesh of people, actions and thoughts. Maybe I need to do a Phd in this. Whew. . right now just a decent job with good money and some challenging work will suffice for me. The needs get to the basic, whent he mind evolves to the complex :)

Just need to get out and have fun with some friends.

till later,


Blogger sdfsbo said...

Hello: si, I was looking for some information on website optimization and found your site. I'm sure you know how it is when you start to read a interesting post…most time you just have to read it all. Bottom line, I've enjoyed reading your Blog. I’ve got you bookmarked for the future. I'm doing a little test to see how many people actually read these posts. So, for the next few weeks anyone who visits my Blog, I'll send a great 90+ page search engine optimization ebook! Yes, this is a not strings attached deal. Well, I’m off again in search of the info I seek . Thanks for the read!

11:26 AM  
Blogger sdfsbo said...

Hello: si, I was looking for some information on website placement and found your site. I'm sure you know how it is when you start to read a interesting post…most time you just have to read it all. Bottom line, I've enjoyed reading your Blog. I’ve got you bookmarked for the future. I'm doing a little test to see how many people actually read these posts. So, for the next few weeks anyone who visits my Blog, I'll send a great 90+ page search engine optimization ebook! Yes, this is a not strings attached deal. Well, I’m off again in search of the info I seek . Thanks for the read!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Lose Weight said...

Greetings si, you have a pretty cool blog here. I was searching for part time work from home. I just started my home business and you can see it at this link - part time work from home. Your post title caught my eye - Placement & Jazz. I'm just looking for tips on how to be a better mentor. I know that’s not what you’re going on about in this post but I am trying to expand my vocabulary phrases so I can talk to many different personalities. I mean I have to talk to a lot of people and I need to be able to connect with everyone.

Anyways si, this helped. Keep it up, I'll be back.

7:17 AM  

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