Thursday, September 29, 2005

Dont let the wine get warm!


Bet you are wondering why I put the subject as it is. Well, frankly to admit that its something that set me thinking today about the societal influences on behaviour, and especially on what we call being cultured or sophisticated. The people closest to this complication of civilized society are those who adopt it and those who shun it. The latter group comprises of those rebels, who just want to go against what is socially accepted as a higher level of living, or just being well off in material terms.

Let me explain the metaphor of the wine. You know that the proper way of holding wine glasses is to hold it by their bottom base between your thumb and palm. Never mind if you didnt know, I got to know it at 24 years of life and it didnt make huge difference to my happiness or popularity. Hmm. . so a wine connoiseur friend of mine was explaining to another senior person how it kept the wine from getting warm. My mind went ballistic at the point. People were dying of hunger around the world, did it really matter if your wine was 1.5 degrees warmer than what it should be. Probably am being a little harsh, but the point I wanted make was that, there are some things that we think are so fine and refined that we forget that they remain small in the larger scheme of things. As long as we can treat things with the attention they deserve at a point in time, and know how significant they are for the lives of the 6.5 billion people in the world, I think we have been fair. All this, assuming that we as passionate human beings want to be fair.

Hmm. . guess I am feeling philanthropic today. So am donating some of my mindspace and throughts to the less privileged. But frankly, I just thought how funny it would be to suddenly lose one of the many things we took for being granted to us. Sight, sound, speech, physical well-being etc. etc. Sadly enough, even the dramatism of this extreme thought doesn'tm motivate me to do the things I ought to. Because the the rationality of the human mind if overwhlemed by two things. One - Convenience and two - passion. Probably one is the anti-thesis of the other, or plainly put, they are mutually incompatible.

Guess will leave the thought at that. I need to think more on this as well.

for now,

Sunday, September 25, 2005

long time . . no see!

Hi there,

Was watching Top Gun. There are a few things in life, and among them some movies, that just can never run out of steam. Steam probably is not the best word to decribe the connection these things make, but my point is that, we could see these movies and read those books time and again, and yet be equally captured by their intensity.

Hmm. . so that was the capture attention part of the write-up. Or atleast my attempt at it. Been back after a hiatus. thinking I just have been so irregular at this, that I just don't even call myself a blogger anymore. Apparently missed a blogger's meet held a week or two back here.

Can say the days have been busy, but I think those of us who read in between the lines, know better than to belive that. Let me just say that, life has been on a cruise mode, and i wasnt trying to put a direction to the wheel. BUt I think much of the essence of living is in trying to steer the path its headed on. Not so much of significance, in us knowing the path, since the untreaded path will most likely be the one you will remain satisfied about, and the untreaded path can never be known in advance, right!

But somewhere, I think I have learnt somethign about myself. I become uncomfortable when the situation becomes comfortable. The ability of the human mind and the ewnthusiasm of the human spirit wasn't made to sustain a comfortable life. Having sais that, the challenge some of us wage-earners have is to find the challenge in our daily routines. Be it bringing innovation to your approach and work scope, or involving more of your co-workers into a rigorous approach to things - its not incentivised enough, for one to keep doign that. And also that, the work scope seems so awesome sometimes, that you just wonder if you should spend more time analysing than building solutions. Its a typical challenge for those of us in the buiseness of consulting, something I hope to come on top of sooner than later.

noticed this quote from Emerson in theo morning, "Envy is the tax distinction must pay". Quite an intersting though, I must say. And it just comes back to me, the power of metaphors. Want to use that to express myself better, and communicate and create some efficiency in the chaos of organizational sporadisms. At the moment, that is my business :)

for now, will try to keep more regualr at writing up.
